When you’re tasked to prepare an executive summary, regardless if it’s for a pamphlet, briefing paper, report or policy paper, it could be a daunting task especially if you have no idea or clue on how to do it. On the other hand, there are several questions to be asked and at the same time, simple rules to be considered to make it manageable.

Meeting Objectives

By being able to know these things, you’ll achieve great things on your report. People might read executive summer in order to find out whether they have to read the entirety of the report.

This group might include people both within and outside the organization. However, the report is more likely to focus on what they’re doing on a day to day basis.

They will frequently be subject experts and they have to know if there’s anything new that they have to read. Such group looks forward on the broader summer for the contents of paper.

The Readers of the Report

People might like to find out whether they have the report relevant and interesting, regardless if it is actually essential or not. Once again, this group is more likely to be a subject expert but could include some analysts as well who are searching for a certain angle on a given subject.
